How we work and what we believe in?
Our organization operates differently from the usual capitalist companies. We believe, that by creating an alternative organizational model, our members can help each other and focus on their mental and physical well-being while supporting local communities for the benefit of society.

Something is broken in today’s organizations
Excerpt from the book of Frederic Laloux – Reinventing organizations
Somehow, almost everyone senses that the way we run organizations today no longer works for us, that the system has been stretched beyond its limits. It feels sometimes as if everyone is drawing the short straw. Survey after survey shows that the vast majority of employees are disengaged at work. A 2013 Gallup poll, for instance, found that only 13 percent of employees worldwide are engaged at work (63 percent are not engaged and 24 percent are actively disengaged). Management guru Gary Hamel rightly calls this “the shame of management.”
Leaders in large organizations seem all-powerful, and, like all of us, they want to look like their life is in control, like they are winners in the game of success. But anyone who has had a chance to have intimate conversations with organizational leaders knows that behind the façade, almost all of them are tired—tired of the rat race and the pressure, the never-ending stream of emails, meetings, and PowerPoint documents. Tired of trying to make people happy, to motivate employees and achieve results. And perhaps most of all, tired of suppressing the nagging questions …
„Is this really what I wanted? Sure I’m successful, but what’s the meaning of it all? Is it worth all the sacrifices I’ve had to make?”
We, at Social Capital Tech, believe that by creating an alternative organizational model, our members can truely help each other and not only provide financial safety but also focus on their mental and physical well-being while supporting local communities and the development of society.

Learn more!
The below references helped us create our operational model. Read and watch if you want to learn about our background in more depth:
- Cooperative Principles / Szövetkezeti Alapelvek (
- Explanation of types of social capital (
- Social capital and the power of relationships: Al Condeluci at TEDxGrandviewAve (
- Hogyan működik egy önszerveződő cég? | Dávid Pásztor | TEDxYouth@Budapest (
- Frederic Laloux – A Jövő Szervezetei (
- Joost Minnaar, Pim de Morree: Corporate Rebels: Make Work More Fun (